12th Jun 2024

35 Hour Working Week – Board Updates

In April, our Board of Directors approved a new 35 Hour Working Week Policy for staff at Thrive Women’s Aid. The focus of this new policy would be to enhance wellbeing through a better work-life balance whilst not compromising on the flexible services available to survivors of domestic abuse

It was agreed that an 8-week trial would take place. During this period all staff (except where specific requests had been received due to personal circumstances) would work a reduced number of hours but still be paid for their full contract.

Upon completion of the trial, a few minor changes were included to ensure no impact was made to the services Thrive provide. To maintain service provision the team were split as evenly as possible by department of service or similar service. This was done to spread expertise and not place undue pressure on individual members of the team.

The Board of Directors are thrilled to approve this new policy and to see the wellbeing of staff members enhanced whilst not impacting the vital services that Thrive provide to survivors in the community.