

Thrive has one refuge in Neath Port Talbot, which provides a safe place for you and your children to stay.

Within refuge you can access emotional and practical support from staff who understand what you and your family have been through. You can also meet other people who are escaping abuse to share experiences and offer valuable peer support.
In addition to a safe place to stay, refuge staff can offer:

  • Safety planning for you and your family
  • Help in finding and establishing a safe new home
  • Support with money and benefits
  • Advocacy
  • Help with child contact
  • Legal advice and court support
  • Emotional and therapeutic support
  • Support with accessing health services
  • Help to establish children into local nurseries and schools
  • Training, education and employment
  • Translation services for individuals whose preferred language is not English

Who can go to a Refuge?

Any woman who has experienced domestic abuse – emotional or physical – can go to a refuge, with or without children.

How to access a refuge

Always call 999 in an emergency.

Our safe emergency accommodation service can be accessed any time, day or night, 365 days a year. To access refuge provision or to find out more about your accommodation options you can call us on 01639 894864 on you can contact the National Live Fear Free Helpline on 0808 8010 800.


Thrive has 5 self-contained apartments designed for individuals and families who require support to rebuild their lives after experiencing Domestic Abuse.

We offer a 2 year tenancy in a safe and suitable accommodation with bespoke support wrapped around the individual to develop their ability to sustain a tenancy alongside delivering specialist support to overcome the abuse that they have experienced.

Who can access move-on?

Contact us for more information on 01639 894864.

Any woman who has experienced domestic abuse either currently or in your past can go to move-on.

We have a range of apartments designed for individuals with or without children.

I hadn’t slept properly for two years before coming to the refuge. It felt like a massive weight had lifted from my shoulders. I was finally safe.
It enabled me to address some issues I had buried for 10+ years.
The part I found most beneficial was when the counsellor explained to me the reasons why I am the way I am and why I act as I do, it is all part of trauma.